Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Period of Theettu/Pelai/Taint if death occurs in family

Period of Theettu/Pelai/Taint if death occurs in family

Translated by

On death occurring of relatives of our family , we have to observe a period of taint(Theettu/Pelai).

This has been summarized in the great book “Samkhepa Dharma Sasthram”, Please copy and paste and keep a copy with you. Sent it to your friends who may need it

I Ten day taint

1. For the death or birth in the family of clan having ten day taint relation , we have to observe ten day taint.
2.If the male child dies after ten days or if a girl child dies before marriage, the parents , brother and step brother have ten day taint.
3. In case of a boy less than seven years without sacred thread or more than seven years with the sacred thread, the members of the clan have ten day taint.

II Three day taint for m

1. Maternal grand father 2.Maternal grand mother 3.Uncle 4.Uncle’s wife 5.Father in law 6.mother in law 7.Mother’s sister 8.Father’s sister 9.Nephew wearing sacred thread 10. Daughter’s son with sacred thread 11. Samanodaka with sacred thread (relative connected with water oblation beyond 7 generations ) 12. Daughter who is married 13. Sister who is married 14.Biological father in case of adopted son 15.Biological mother in case of adopted son 16. Son who has been given in adoption 17. The son belonging to the clan who is above 7 years and before marriage with three generation of clan relation 19.The son of the clan whose first cropping (choula ) has been performed before 25 months For the death of all these people there is a three day taint.
For Samanodaka(relative connected by oblation of water to the manes) , less than seven year old son whose sacred thread ceremony has been completed or for boy older than seven years , there is three day taint in case of their death. For all births in case of Samanodaka(relatives connected with water oblation) there is three day birth taint.

3.Bakshinyasoucha (Taint for one and half days) for men.

1. Father’s sister’s daughter. 2.Mother’s brother’s son and daughter 3. Mother’s sister’s son and daughter 4.Sister’s daughter 5. Daughter of Father’s brother 6. Daughter of son 7.Daughter’s daughter 8. Daughter’s son 9. Son of sister who is less than seven years and does not have sacred thread. In case of death of all these people, men have to observe one and half days taint.

4.One day taint for men.

1.Brother, sister and daughter of step mother 2.Daughter’s of the above three. 3.Wife’s brother 4. Daughter of father’s step brother 5.Step brother’s daughter . 6. Father’s step sister 7.Daughter or son of Father’s step sister 8.Parents of step mother 9.Daughters of the clan within three generations who are above 25 months and below six years and not married. 10 .Biological brother in case of adopted son 11. Clan members of the biological family 12.Father in law and mother in law who do not have any other children 13. Boys above 25 months and below six years of boys who had not undergone first crop (Choula) belonging to paternal clan.

5.Three day taint for women

1.Brother whose sacred thread ceremony is over 2.Brother’s son whose sacred thread ceremony is over. 3.Sister’s son whose sacred thread ceremony is over 4. Mother of the other wives of husband.. Three days taint if death occurs to any of these.
6.One and half day taint for women.
1.Father’s brother. 2.Mother’s sister 3.Mother’s brother 4.Father’s sister 5.The children of Sno1 to four. 6.Paternal Grand father 7.Paternal Grand mother .8. Maternal grand parents 9.Sister 10.Sister’s daughter 11.Brother’s son. Death of any of these will entail One and half a day taint.

7.One day taint for women.

1.son, daughter, brother, and sister of co wife’s mother. 2.Their children 3.Father’s step brother 4.Father’s step sister 5.Children of 3 and four 6. Co wife’s parents . Death of any of these entails one day taint for ladies.

The people described above are men for whom Sacred thread has been performed and Woman who are married. The taint for a woman does not affect her husband.


  1. Pollution/theetu in case of son in law having a son of 25 yrs and wears sacred thread also

  2. How many days taint will be there if one's mami(mama's wife) death happens

  3. II Three day taint for m

    1. Maternal grand father 2.Maternal grand mother 3.Uncle 4.Uncle’s wife 5.Father in law 6.mother in law 7.Mother’s sister 8.Father’s sister

  4. My mil sister husband passed away ,is there a asowcham for my mil
