Saturday, August 6, 2016

Most Urgent:Rig Upakarma on 7-8-2016 according to Srungeri Mutt

Most Urgent:Rig Upakarma on 7-8-2016 according to Srungeri Mutt 

According to majority of the people  Rigvedi Upakarma  is on 17th August   but a minority  lead by Sringeri Mutt  feel that  since there  is Sankramana  Dosha on 17th August , it should be carried out  on 7-8-2016.

                             Your Acharya's decision is the most important

I have already given the  Upakarma Manthras for Rig Vedis in
But if some one   wants to observe it on 7-8-2016. In sankalpam   instead of

“Dunmukhi   nama samvatsare, Dakshinaayane, Varsha  rithou, Simha mase, Krishna  pakshe, aadhya Chathurdasyam   shubha thidou, SAumya  vasara yukthayam, Sravana ** nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubha karana evam guna,  viseshana visishtaayam, asyam chathurdasyam   shubha thidou ,
Please change to
Dunmukhi   nama samvatsare, Dakshinaayane, Varsha  rithou, Kadaka mase, Krishna  pakshe, aadhya Panchamyam  * shubha thidou, BHanu  vasara yukthayam, Hastha ** nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubha karana evam guna,  viseshana visishtaayam, asyam Panchamyam    shubha thidou ,
* Panchami up to 6 Am  on 8-8-2016 and then Sashti

** Hastha is up  to 7.32 Am on 8-8-2016  and afterwards  Chithra 
Gayatri Japam is on 19th for all Vedas

1 comment:

  1. Hello sir,
    I'm sharanya from Bangalore. Do you know any place here where they conduct upakarma for rig vediks? Much thanks.
