Friday, March 20, 2015

Pithru Tharpanam, the act to satisfy the manes

Pithru tharpanam  is a ritual done by  every Brahmin who has lost is father in memory of  his manes both on their father’s side  as well as mother’s side . This is supposed   to satisfy  them and the word is derived   from Thrupthi (satisfaction) . Brahmins believe that  the water oblations offered by them reach the manes if they are   in the Pithru Loka   and even if they have taken re birth, it reaches them in  the form that satisfies them. I have  given the  following  tharpana manthras  in English so that   it can be used by people who do not know Sanskrit   or their mother toungue.  These people  may be in a minority   but should not some thing    done for them.

     Regarding these  the following clarifications are also given.
1.      If there  are more than one son to  a parent, all of them are supposed to perform Tharpanas   individually.
2.      Commonly it is performed during Amavasya, Utharayana and Dakshinayana Punya kala  and during  the thula sankramam  and Kadaka sankramanam  and during eclipses , though our  Sastras want us to perform it  on 64 different occasions.
3.      The Samkalpas  which tell the manes that we are performing it in such and such a place    and in such and such a time  , mention that   we perform it in BHaratha Varsha.Many people ask that  when we do it in USA or Australia  , how is it Bharata  Varasha. It seems one great savant called California as Kapilaranya. Being not great I do not know how to do it, . But a very elderly and learned man told me  , that  wherever we are , we are mentally and spiritually in India only  and so there is nothing wrong and telling   that  we are doing it in Bharata  Varsha,
4.      For the past  15 years , before the year  beginning , I also  publicise   about the Sankalpam when  Pithru tharpanam is done . Since I know that  thereis a lot of time difference in places, I also tell in those sankalpas the time of the change of the Thithi and Nakshatra  in Indian Standard time (IST). Very large number of people all over the world , use what I put and so this is one job that   gies me immense satisfaction  of having done something   to my young and old Brahmin friends  , who do not know Sanskrit or their mother toungue or do not have this information with them. This years sankalpams hae already been put in

Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2015-2016(Manmatha Varsham)

Tharpana Sankalpams for the year 2015-2016(Manmatha Varsham)

Compiled by

(I have followed the details given in the Acharyal Madathu Panchangam. I have also given the time of change of Thithi and Nakshatra  so that people who are living abroad can also use it correctly.  Amavasva Tharpanams are supposed to be done after Madhyahneekam but by practice people do it in the early morning and go to office. Let such people also see  if there is a change in  Thidhi and Dasa. As soon I get information about it, I will modify  this list. As per the Panchangam   one solar eclipse  is vvisible   in India this year.  So I included it. I have been  putting this before every year for the past 14   years. I know that many more people are compiling such lists and are also putting it nowadays.  I know that  my compilation is not that necessary now but am putting it by force of habit. I am already 75. I know about 20 thousand people   used the information contained  her during 2014-2015 by directly visiting this  blog).

14-4-2015 Chaithra ravi  vishu punya kala(the new year starts at  1.45PM)
   Manmatha nama samvathsare ,utharayane , Vasantha rithou, Mesha    mase , Krishna   pakshe, adhya  Dsamyam   punya thidhou , Bhouma vasara yukthayam, Sravishta nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam Dsamyam     punya thidhou, Chaithra  Vishnu  punyakale, Mesha Ravi Sankramana  sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye
(Dasmi  is up to 4.4 PM  on that day (afterwards Ekadasi  ) and Sravishta  Nakshtra   is up to 2.56 Am  next day  (afterwards Satha bishak))

18-4-2015   Sarva Amavasya
   Manmatha nama samvathsare ,utharayane , vasantha rithou, Mesha   mase , Krishna  pakshe, adhya Amavasyam     punya thidhou , Sthira  vasara yukthayam, Revthi  nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam Amavasyam    punya thidhou, amavasya  punyakale, darsa sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

(Amavasya  up to 12.28 Am that night  IST, Revathi up to  5.23 PM  , afterwards Aswathi )

17-5-2015 Sarva Amavasya
   Manmatha nama samvathsare ,utharayane , vasantha rithou, Rishabha   mase , Krishna  pakshe, adhya Chathurdasyam    punya thidhou , Bhanu  vasara yukthayam, Apabharani  nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam Chathrdasyam   punya thidhou, amavasya  punyakale, darsa sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

( Chathurdasi  is up to 12.1 PM  (afterwards Prathama) and Apabharani up to  11.15 Pm   and afterwards Krithiga )

16-6-2015  Sarva Amavasya
   Manmatha nama samvathsare ,utharayane , Greeshma  rithou, Mithuna    mase , Krishna  pakshe, adhya Amavasyam   punya thidhou , Bhouma  vasara yukthayam, Mruga seersha  nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam amavasyam  punya thidhou, amavasya  punyakale, darsa sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

(Amavasya  up to   7.36PM  on that  day (afterwardsprathama ) and Mruga Seersha   is up to  5.41 Am next day  (afterwards  Arudra  ))

15-7-2015  Sarva Amavasya
   Manmatha nama samvathsare ,utharayane , Greeshma  rithou, Mithuna    mase , Krishna  pakshe, adhya Chathurdasyam   punya thidhou , Saumya   vasara yukthayam, Arudra nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam Chathurdasyam   punya thidhou, amavasya  punyakale, darsa sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

(Chathurdasi  up to   7.32 Am   on that  day (afterwards Amavasya  ) and Arudra    is up to  1.44 Pm  (afterwards  Punarvasu   )

17-7-2015  Dakshinayana punya kalam
   Manmatha nama samvathsare ,Utharayane  , greeshma rithou, Mithuna   mase , Shukla  pakshe, Prathamyam       punya thidhou , Brugu  vasara yukthayam, Pushya  nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam Panchamyam     punya thidhou, dakshinayana  punyakale, kadaga ravi sankramana  sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

(Prathama up to 8.30  on that  day (Afterwards Dwitheeya) and Pushya Nakshatra  up to 4.25 PM  , Asresha Nakshtra    up to  6.32 Pm    on the  next  day  (Utharyana  up to 4.10 Pm  afterwards Dakshinayana)

14-8-2015  Sarva  Amavasya
  Manmatha nama samvathsare ,dakshinayane , greeshma rithou, kadaga  mase , Krishna  pakshe, adhya amavasyam  punya thidhou , Brugu  vasara yukthayam, aslesha  nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam amavasyam  punya thidhou, amavasya  punyakale, darsa sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

(Amavasya upto   8,24 Pm  (afterwards Prathama ) and Aslesha Nakshtra   up to  1.29 Am next day   and Makha  nakshatra  afterwards.)

12-9-2015 Sarva Amavasya
    Manmatha nama samvathsare ,dakshinayane , varsha  rithou, simha  mase , Krishna  pakshe, adhya Chathurdasyam     punya thidhou , Sthira  vasara yukthayam, Makha  nakshatra yukthayam,  shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam Chathurdasyam  punya thidhou, amavasya  punyakale, darsa sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

(Chathurdasi  up to 9.44 AM  (Afterwards Prathama ) , Makha  up to 10,21AM  that day  and Poorva Phalguni   Nakshata after that.)

12-10-2015   Sarva  Amavasya
     Manmatha nama samvathsare ,dakshinayane , varsha   rithou, kanya   mase , Krishna  pakshe, adhya amavasyam    punya thidhou , indhu   vasara yukthayam, hastha   nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam Amavasyam  punya thidhou, amavasya  punyakale, darsa sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

(Chathurdasi up to  9.46AM,  Amavasya up to  5.37  AM next day  (afterwards Prathama) and hastha   nakshatra  up to 1.42 am that night (Afterwards Chithra)

18-10-2015  Thula ravi Sankramanam
     Manmatha nama samvathsare ,dakshinayane , Sarad   rithou, Thula mase , Shukla pakshe, Panchamyam   punya thidhou , Bhanu  vasara yukthayam, Jyeshta   nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam Panchamyam     punya thidhou, thula ravi   punyakale, thula ravi sankramana sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

(Panchami    up to 2.19  Pm     (afterwards Sashti )and Jyeshta  up to  1.12 PM afterwards Moola nakshatram)

11-11-2015 SArva Amavasya
        Manmatha nama samvathsare ,dakshinayane , sharad   rithou, thula  mase , Krishna  pakshe, adhya Amavasyam      punya thidhou ,Sowmya  vasara yukthayam, Swathi nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubha Karana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam amavasyam  punya thidhou, amavasya  punyakale, darsa sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

(Amavasya  up to  next day 11.18(Afterwards Prathama ) and Swathi  up  to 1.35  Pm that day  and then Vishakha)

10-12-2015  Bodhayana  Amavasya
          Manmatha nama samvathsare ,dakshinayane , Sharad  rithou, Vruschiga   mase , Krishna  pakshe, adhya Chathurdasyam(up to9.24 Pm , afterwards Amavasya )  punya thidhou , Guru  vasara yukthayam, Anuradha  nakshatra yukthayam up to 12,24 AM that night (afterwards  Jyeshta naksatra yukthayam ) shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam Amavasya  punya thidhou, amavasya  punyakale, darsa sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

11-12-2015  Sarva  Amavasya
          Manmatha nama samvathsare ,dakshinayane , Sharad  rithou, Vruschiga   mase , Krishna  pakshe, adhya Amavasyam (up to  4 PM afterwards Prathama  ) punya thidhou , Brugu vasara yukthayam, Jyeshta   nakshatra yukthayam up to 1.21 AM that night  (afterwards  Mppla  naksatra yukthayam ) shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam Amavasya  punya thidhou, amavasya  punyakale, darsa sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

9-1-2016  Sarva  Amavasya
         Manmatha nama samvathsare ,Dakshinayane , hemantha  rithou, dhanur   mase , Krishna  pakshe, adhya Chathurdasyam   punya thidhou , Sthira   vasara yukthayam, moola  nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam CHathurdasyam  punya thidhou, amavasya  punyakale, darsa sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

(Chathurdasi  up to 7.55 Am Afterwards Amavasya   ) and Moola  Nakshtra up to 10.1 AM  (Afterwards Poorvashada  Nakshatra)

15-1-2016 Uthrayana Punya kalam
               Manmatha nama samvathsare ,Dakshinayane  , hemantha  rithou, Makara  mase , Shukla  pakshe, sashtyam     punya thidhou , Brugu     vasara yukthayam, Uttara proshtapada   nakshatra yukthayam   , shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam Navamyam    punya thidhou, utharayana  punyakale, makara  ravi sankramana  sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

(SAshti   up to next day morning  7.58 Pm and  Uttara Proshta pada  up to 2.33 AM that night    and  then Revathi Nakshatra)  .

8-2-2016  Srava    Amavasya
          Manmatha nama samvathsare ,Utharayane , hemantha   rithou, makara   mase , Krishna  pakshe, adhya amavasyam  punya thidhou , Indhu     vasara yukthayam, Saravana   nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam amavasyam  punya thidhou, amavasya  punyakale, darsa sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

(Amavasya up to  8.10  PM  and sravana   Nakshtra up to  5.4 PM (afterwards DVhanishvta))

8.3.16  Sarva  Amavasya
          Manmatha nama samvathsare ,Utharayane , Shishira  rithou, khumba    mase , Krishna  pakshe, adhya Chathurdasyam   punya thidhou , Bhouma   vasara yukthayam, Sathabishak     nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam Chathurdasyam   punya thidhou, amavasya  punyakale, darsa sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

(Chathurdasi up to  10.35 Am Amavasya up to 7.25 Am next day    (afterwards Prathama) and  Sathabishak  Nakshtra up to  11.31 Pm (afterwards Poorva proshtapada Nakshtra)

9.3.16        Solar eclipse
  Manmatha nama samvathsare ,Utharayane , Shishira  rithou, khumba    mase , Krishna  pakshe, adhya Amavasyam    punya thidhou , Soumya  vasara yukthayam, Poorva proshtapada    nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam Amavasyam   punya thidhou,  Sooryoparaga  punyakale, darsa sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye  
(Amavasya up to  7.25 Am afterwards Prathama and Poorva   proshtapada   up to  9.3 PM  and later Uthara Proshta Pada)

6-4-2016  Bodhayana   Amavasya
          Manmatha nama samvathsare ,Utharayane , Shishira  rithou, meena     mase , Krishna  pakshe, adhya Chathurdasyam  punya thidhou , aoumya vasara yukthayam, Uthra proshta pada nakshatra   yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam Chathurdasyam  punya thidhou, amavasya  punyakale, darsa sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

(Chathurdasyam up to  8,38 Pm   (afterwards Amavasya  ) and  Porrva proshtapada nakshatra    up to  8.9 Am   and afterwards  Uthara  Proshtapada  Nakshtra)

7-4-2016 Sarva   Amavasya
          Manmatha nama samvathsare ,Utharayane , Shishira  rithou, meena     mase , Krishna  pakshe, adhya amavasyam  punya thidhou , Guru   vasara yukthayam, Revathi nakshatra   yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam amavasyam  punya thidhou, amavasya  punyakale, darsa sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

(Amavasya up to 4.55 pm   (afterwards Prathama) and  Revathi   up to  2.23 AM  that night and afterwards  Aswathi Nakshtra)

13-4-2016  Chaithra ravi  vishu punya kala(the new year Dunmukha  starts at  7.46 Pm)

   Dunmukha  nama samvathsare ,utharayane , Vasantha rithou, Mesha    mase , Shukla   pakshe, adhya Sapthamyam    punya thidhou , Sowmya  vasara yukthayam, Arudhra   nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam Sapthamyam    punya thidhou, Chaithra  Vishnu  punyakale, Mesha Ravi Sankramana  sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye

(Sapthami  is up to 9.43 PM  on that day (afterwards Ashtami ) and Arudhra    is up to 2.23 Pm  that day   (afterwards Punarvasu.)

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Tharpanam on Lunar eclipse on 4th April 2015

Tharpanam   on Lunar eclipse on  4th April 2015
Compiled by
A Chandra Grahanam(Lunar eclipse  ) occurs on  4th April 2015. This is visible in India.Thogh the eclipse  starts  around 3.30 PM , it will be visible  on;ly after  the moon rise  which is at 6.19 PM  on  that day. It comes to an end  at 7.15  PM. This  eclipse would be visible   in most parts of North America  Hawaii, Japan, Newzealand , Australia   and Indonesia.  I understand that the moon sets in USA while  the eclipse is in progress  The Lunar eclipse Tharpana   has to be done   towards  the end of  Chandra Grahana. The Sankalpa  manthra is
 Jaya Nama Samvatsare, Shisira rithou, Meena mase,Prathamyam shubha thithou, Sthira vasara yukthayam , Hastha nakshatra  yukthayam , shubha yoga, Shubha karana eam guna  viseshana visishtaayaam  asyam prathamayaam punya thidhou………Somoparaga  punyakale  uparaaga sradham..
Hastha Nakshatra is up to 11.36 PM IST and Prathama  is up to 7.36 PM IST  on 5-4-2015.
    The visibility   in different places of the world is given in
   So people who need to do tharpanam in countries outside India , where  it is visible are requested  to change the star  and thithi in the sankalpam  as per particulars given above.
  Please also note that”In case of lunar eclipse , if the moon sets before the end of eclipse, (Grahana asthamana) we should not take food during day time and take food only after seeing the moon.”  And
A women in periods should take the eclipse bath from water which is poured on her by others.

During eclipse all waters are equivalent to Ganges water and all Brahmins are equivalent to Vasishta.

Till the end of eclipse we should not sleep but keep on chanting mantras.

Pregnant women should not come out during eclipse.

If any left over food is there prepared before eclipse, it should not be eaten. Food should be freshly prepared after eclipse is over.

In case of curd or pickles , we have to put cut Durbha grass in them ,After the purificatory bath, this Durbha should be removed.

The charity given and meditation done, during the eclipse would give us huge benefits.

Tharpana should be done once the eclipse starts in Solar eclipse and when it is leaving in case of lunar eclipse. Both Tharpanas should be done only in Krishna Paksha.

Tharpana can be done in sea water but Aachamana should not be done . Water taken from home after bath should be used for Aachamana.

Those in whose Nakshatra  or Anu Janma Nakshatra , the eclipse occurs*, should write the following sloka in a palm leaf and tie it to their forehead. After the eclipse this palm leaf should be removed. Then they should give in charity one Ash gourd, coconut and coin to a Brahmin.

For Lunar eclipse:-

Indro analo Yamo , riksho, varuno vayurevacham, Kubhera, eeso knandu Indu uparaga udhavyathaam mama

*The stars affected this time are Rohini, Hastham, Thiruonam , Uthram and  Chithrai